My name is Cedric Lab - Cilab.
I'm from France but I live in British Columbia, Canada.
The description of what I aspire to do is Storytelling in a general sense of the term, regardless of genre or media from Classical Animation to Sequential Storytelling (Storyboard, Comic book, ...), advertisement and Video Games industry.
I graduated in Classical Animation in 2010 and so far, also had professionnal Design experiences in advertisement, film promotion and illustration.
However, this blog concerns my work in Visual Development Chara/Prop/Location Design for various industries of entertainment and advertisement as well as design related fan-art.
All fan art on this blog is copyright of its rightful owners.
Any inquiry is welcome at:
shortpocketmedia@gmail.com (pls adress it to 'Cedric')
Please check also my other blogs in relation to other medias:
http://cilabpro2.blogspot.ca/ about Illustration, Sequential Storytelling and Animation.