Sunday, May 20, 2012

Childhood Hero n°2 : Robin Hood

Another great Hero I discovered early and influenced my adventures as a kid, like billions over the world.

Robin of Locksley, a.k.a. Robin Hood ou   Robin des Bois as I met him in a 1935 edition of his adventures (spanning from his teenagehood to the wandering days after Marianne's death) when I was 7 years old.

I had met him already but without recognizing it  as the Disney fox version.

 This one is based on the statue at Nottingham, UK.

The cinematographic version of the Prince of Thieves came to me as a teenager and until the disappointing Ridley Scott's version was my only other reference to the character.

The character being of folklore background rather than historical, it seemed interesting to represent him for what he actually was, that is to say the English 13th century common word for an intinerant felon with no possession, the bum of his time.

The fact that he traveled, wandered in shadows draping hoods and dark capes gave the appellation "Robehod".

For any historical reference (if any possible) to King John's Reign, see the movie Ironclad which revolves around his signing of the Magna Carta, that very famous principle founding document that tried to limit the power of the King over his People. 
There, John is indeed depicted as the infamous character he surely was, as he tramples over the values and consequences of the very words he consented to sign.
A big difference as we tend to remember him as a "loser" whereas he was actually never overthrown by the merry people of Sherwood.