Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ian Fleming's Casino Royale (Reboot Cast Inks)

"The scent and smoke and sweat of a casino are nauseating at 3 in the morning. Then the soul-erosion produced by high-gambling - a compost of greed and fear and nervous tension - becomes unbearable and the senses awake and revolt from it." 

The opening of the book strangely mirroring my own feelings towards the latest movie adaptations, it came to me that they should probably have saved time and money by simply re-adapting the novels and its cold war contents and symbolisms. I shall expend on these ideas and similar articles on my upcoming blog "Stories Within" (  

An attempt to reboot the original characters of the novel, set in 1952 in the north of France. The details of the characters are based on their descriptions in the book itself.

Basil & Kratt - Le Chiffre Henchmen
Bond 1st Villain
Bond's best friend
1st Bond Dame

The French Spy (Belmondo Type)
The man himself, 35 y-o at the time of the Novel

Please come and check again later as there will be some more materials about Casino Royale Reboot, notably a prop sheet and James bond's first vehicle.

James Bond and all characters related are copyrights of United Artists and co. This is just Fan Art.